Friday, July 3, 2009

Change of Venue

In case anyone was following this blog...

I have found it very difficult to use blogger, and nothing seemed to work to get my pictures posted in the right order, so I am switching this legacy challenge story over to livejournal.

Here is the link;

Change of Venue

In case anyone found this blog and was following it...

I was having a lot of difficulty in working with Blogger. I could not get my pictures to post correctly. So I am switching my legacy challenge blog over to Livejournal, which seems to be working much better for me.

Here is the link;

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Ashkeveron Legacy - Squatter's rights?

So young Vanyel wandered the city of Sunset Valley, when he came upon a beautiful and empty plot of land. It had a great view of the city and yet, no one had built a home there??? He decided he couldn't let such a lovely spot go to waste!

So he decided to claim it as his own. He went and found some materials to use for a bedroll and a little lean-to toilet set-up.

Ashkeveron Legacy, humble beginnings

Poor young Vanyel. His right-wing, conservative, born again Christian father never understood his son's desire to be a Rocker, or any of his other "strange" behaviors. After many explosive family arguements, his father smashed Vanyel's only guitar! Perhaps it went something like this; Many credits to Tenacious D !!!!

"In the city of fallen angels, where the ocean meets the sand, you will form a strong alliance, and the world's most awesome band! To find your fame and fortune, through the valley you must walk. You will face your inner demons, now go my son and rock!" Kickapoo, Tenacious D, The Pick of Destiny

So young Vanyel runs away from his oppressive home to make his fortune in Sunset Valley. With no guitar and only a few simoleons to his name, whatever will he do? He doesn't look too worried...

Legacy Challenge - Ashkeveron Household

Meet Vanyel Ashkeveron, the founder of my first official Legacy Challenge.
He is based loosely on the main character of The Last Herald Mage series by Mercedes Lackey.
His traits are; Brave, Loner, Virtuoso, Neat and Charismatic.
His lifetime wish is to become a rock star.
For my legacy challenge, I am also using the optional family trait rule.
The Ashkeveron family trait is "Brave".
And just for fun, the founder and all of the heirs will have a tendency to wear white and/or other light colors (Heralds of Valedemar always wear white you know!)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

My first legacy challenge and my first blog

Though I have often played many of the wonderful challenges on the Sims 2, I have never tried to post any information or add up challenge points. This will be my first attempt at being "official". I have so often enjoyed reading the legacy challenge contributions from the many creative community of Sims gamers. I can only hope my contribution will entertain some people. I've never made a blog before either, so there are two firsts for today!